PAINTING WAR: ejército aleman de la 2GM
76 pages Painting Manual, on high quality print. It collects everything you need to see the Heresybrush’s painting miniatures techniques. It includes an amazing step by step and 36 painted miniatures, that Heresybrush has painted exclusively for this publication.
Painting Wargames Tanks
A guide to paint Wargames armored vehicles by Mig Jimenez and me. Through its 96 pages we will show you, in a very visual and easy manner, how to get the results you want in your vehicles, since the book adapts to the needs of each player. From a basic guide for materials, through painting a tank in an easy but effective way, to obtaining the best possible professional finish. The ultimate tool to make your tanks the highlight of the tabletop.
PAINTING WAR: Guerra Civil Española
PaintingWAR #5, by Rubén Torregrosa «HeresyBrush» , showing again his greatest painting skills. All the uniforms, in campaign, of both sides of the Spanish Civil War.
Como pintar miniaturas para Wargames
In this book, Rubén Torregrosa and a large number of guest authors introduce you to some of the most popular miniature painting techniques among wargaming fans, ranging from the simplest methods using a single colour for each element of the figure, to the most elaborate in which five layers are applied to create the illusion of depth by playing with light and shadow. Both the novice and experienced fans will find this title useful for discovering new techniques or perfecting those already being used.
PAINTING WAR: Ejércitos británico y de la mancomunidad de la 2GM
PaintingWAR #6, by Rubén Torregrosa «HeresyBrush» , describing how to paint the different uniforms of the WWII British army and other members of the Commonwealth.
Artículos publicados en revistas

- Nº 32 – Como pintar carros WWII con aerógrafo, oleos y pigmentos (15mm)
- Nº 36 – Como pintar un soldado alemán WWI (28mm)
- Nº 38 – Como pintar un soldado alemán WWII (15mm)
- Nº 45 – Como pintar un Dragón español de Numancia (28mm)
- Nº 50 – Como pintar un soldado jaguar mexicano (15mm)
- Nº 50 – Dossier «La conquista de México»: Historia de la conquista
- Nº 50 – Dossier «La conquista de México»: El ejército méxica
- Nº 51 – Como pintar un artillero prusiano (guerra franco-prusiana) (10mm)
- Nº 52 – Como pintar un tanque M1A1 Abrams (Irak, 2007) (15mm)
- Nº 53 – Como pintar edificios
- Nº 53 – Task Force Iron Duke, Irak 2007
- Nº 54 – Como pintar un soldado francés y un soldado alemán de 1939 (28mm)
- Nº 55 – Como pintar la guerra de sucesión española (infanteria y artilleria; 28mm)
- Nº 56 – Como pintar nativos americanos (28mm)
- Nº 57 – El Asedio de Castelnuovo
- Nº 59 – Como pintar un soldado andalusí del s. IX (28mm)