With the support of Kromlech Historical miniatures, I would like to share with you a step by step tutorial where I show how to paint the 1939 German uniform in 28 mm miniatures. In this guide you will find the instructions to paint the M1935 Feldbluse, with its characteristic grey green color with a very dark green collar, stone grey trousers and the dark grey stahlhelm M1935.
For those who does not know Kromlech, this is a Polish company most well-known for producing science fiction miniatures and bits. Recently, they begun another adventure in the historical niche, producing 28mm models with realistic proportions using 3D modelling.
If you liked this tutorial, do not miss these another two about WWII Polish soldiers and Uhlan, also featuring miniatures from Kromlech Historical miniatures. And if you are interested in my painting style, I would like to recommend you the book series PaintingWar, where you can find two issues where I explain how to paint WWII german uniforms and another one focused on the Spanish Civil War. And if you want to read more about the German uniform and how to paint it in scale models, I also recommend you Michael Farnworth’s WWII German modelling and painting book.
You can freely download the guide -thanks to Kromlech Historical- here:
Thanks for the wonderful guides on the 1939 Polish and Germans. They are fantastic!
Thanks for your words James! 🙂
Hi, how can I download this tutorials, cuz when I click at the pdf massive “Page not found” pop out on my screen. 🙂