One month ago I prepared a videotutorial about how to paint faces, which was published in a new blog, ModelBrush, created beside some friends. And I wanted to share it in my personal blog, in order to complement another old article about the same topic, but based in a different painting style (in Spanish): como pintar caras en 28mm. The comparison between both techniques it could be interesting!. NOTE: set the quality to 1080p FullHD The face is one of the most important parts of one minature, because once it’s painted, the model finally “comes alive” . Therefore, it’s important…
Dust effects
One of the most interesting weathering effects on vehicles is the dust, above all if our model has fought in wars with few paved roads, like the Spanish Civil War o the Second War World in Russia or Africa.However, first and foremost we have to think about several points. 1) Where is placed our model. For instance, isn’t the same the dust generated in the African desert than the dust generated in an European road. 2) How many dust we want to represent, a soft effect to avoid masking other details, or a strong effect. And 3) decide the method…
PaintingWAR: WWII German army
After a year of work, finally, I have the pleause to announce my first painting monograph, about the WWII german army. Without a doubt, this little dream would never have been possible without the invaluable help of the editor group of the Spanish wargames magazine, BreakingWAR. I will be eternally grateful with them for the opportunity! Here you can find a review from ModelDads, whose website is absolutely recommendable!. With this first monograph, this editorial opens a new collection, called PaintingWAR. In each issue, presented in the same format of the magazine BreakingWar, different miniature painters will explain their techniques…