How to make foliage camouflage for 15mm tanks

Since I published the book Painting Wargames Tanks many people have asked me about how to do the tree branches or foliage I added to some 15mm tanks. Therefore, I  have finally decided to write a tutorial about it. I already shared some hints in the issue of The Weathering Magazine about Kursk, but I will explain everything more in detail here.  During the WWII many tank crews -specially Germans- decided to conceal a little bit better their tanks and other vehicles by adding tree branches and other vegetation. We can easily recreate this in our tiny models to add…

How to do stucco and roof tiles

daoiz y velarde monteleon

gag Two centuries ago, the second of May of 1808, the Spanish uprising against the Napoleon French army started in Madrid, the capital of the Spanish Empire. In Spain, this day is known nowadays as the “Independence day” (with the exception of Catalonia, where at the end of the last century it was washed off and renamed as “The war against the French” in the school books…). One of the most significant events of that day in Madrid is the defense of the artillery park of Monteleón (or Maravillas), which occupies and special place in the cultural background of the…

Equipo ofensivo y defensivo de los Conquistadores en México (1518-1540)

Actualizado: 30 de noviembre del 2020 Hoy cambio los pinceles por la “pluma” y os traigo un artículo histórico. Otra vertiente de mi afición a las miniaturas históricas es precisamente la historia. Desde que me mudara al Norte no he dejado de leer libros o artículos históricos. Sin embargo, no he tenido la oportunidad de indagar con tanta profundidad como me hubiera gustado en algunos temas, tal y como hiciera en el pasado con motivo del ejército mexica o los indios pueblo, por ejemplo. Ya fuese falta de tiempo o de motivación, esta parte de mi hobby es algo que…

How to paint WWII Polish infantry and Uhlans in 28mm

With the support of Kromlech Historical miniatures, I would like to share with you two painting guides where I show how to paint the WWII Polish uniform: an infantryman and a Uhlan. The former covers a soldier equipped with a great coat and the common steel helmet wz. 37 (or 1937 pattern), while the latter is divided into two parts. First, I explain how to paint dark bay horses, and then I show how to paint a Polish Uhlan (rider) equipped with a wz. 1936 jacket and Adrian-like helmet. For those who does not know Kromlech, this is a Polish…

How to paint mid/late WWII Germans (1943) in 15mm

Since I have been lately busy painting some WWII german miniatures from Khurasan Miniatures, I wanted to share with you this short painting guide where I show how to paint 15mm miniatures, and more specifically, the M43 German uniform (mid-late war). However, if you are looking for a painting guide featuring the early war uniform, you might be interested in this another painting guide I published in Modelbrush a few years ago. Or, if on the other hand you want to know how to paint camouflages in 15mm miniatures, then this another guide is what you are looking for. If…

How to paint Italian Wars artillery (1494-1559)

italian wars

The Italian Wars (1494-1559) were the cradle of the future Spanish famous unit, the Tercio. Initially called “coronelía”, it was shaped by the great war-master Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba “El Gran Capitán”. During these years, the power of the mobile fire guns, such as the arquebus and small cannons, became patent and changed the rules of war. This is one of my favorites periods of History, along with the following century. And taking advantage of some amazing 15mm miniatures I received from Khurasan Miniatures, I wanted to share with you this brief painting guide about how to paint bronze cannons.…

How to paint WWII Germans in winter gear

I have recently prepared a painting guide featuring couple of WWII German soldiers in winter attire from 1-48 TACTIC (Baueda Miniatures). This is a WWII skirmish game using 1:48 miniatures (36 mm), which are nicely 3D-modeled. If you do not know it, I recommend you to have a look at its webpage (note that the rules are free!). With the support of Baueda miniatures, now you can also download for free this painting guide; where I explained how to paint step-by-step a German soldier. From the priming to the basing. Furthermore, I explain in detail how to paint the famous…

Painting 15mm tanks: Steyr tank

Once again, it has been a while since I posted last time something here. Since I moved to Helsinki, my painting time has been dramatically reduced to a few hours per week. And some weeks, zero. In spite of this setback, I continue working slowly on several projects such as a new Age of Sigmar army, which I am painting as part of a panting league in (a blog I run with my brother and couple of very good friends), or the  new 15mm range from Forged in Battle featuring the Dark Age. In fact, I have been more…

Working with the terrain III

Yes, yes. I am still alive. At least, at the moment. I am in the last step of my PhD, writing the thesis, and these weeks / months are being crazy.  Hopefully everything will be done soon, and then I could continue painting every now and then while continuing working with mitochondria. However, my brushes did not stall completely these days. I have the need to scape a little bit from the reality of the world and I find in this hobby a great valve of scape. Therefore, I bring here a new post addressing how to prepare scenery bases.…

How to make flags

In this tutorial I would like to share with you the method I use to make flags for our wargame armies. Although paper-printed flags are much easier and quicker to use, and basically we can find any design we need on the internet, the final effect is not the same. In my humble opinion, printed-flags lack charisma; and most of the times, they do not reflect the same [painting] style our miniatures have. They look like a part of a toy. When I see one, I immediately think: it does not belong here. Therefore, I prefer to hand-paint my own…