True Metallic Metal (TMM): gold

I previously wrote a short tutorial on painting TMM steel (which you can read here). Now, it’s time to write a similar post on how to paint TMM gold, using a batch of Easterling warriors (Games Workshop, 28mm) that I’m currently working on. I’ll also expand the tutorial to cover how to paint the red and marine blue clothing. The bases are still unfinished, but I plan to create another tutorial focusing on that aspect. I would like to clarify that this is my own interpretation of the TMM gold technique; it’s not the only method, nor is it necessarily…

Improving a 15mm paint job: guns and crew

Most popular painting techniques for wargames fall in the category of fast painting methods that aim for the so-called “tabletop quality”. The idea is to have ready a unit or an army as soon as possible, with each miniature painted with the right colors and a bit of contrast between shades and highlights. These quick methods are perfect for wargamers since they do not require much time, allowing the players to spend more time in the battlefield. But, sometimes we have some extra time that we can use to push forward the quality of our miniatures for wargames. I would…